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Table 3 Barriers and ERIC moderate or strong recommendations

From: Overcoming barriers to evidence-based patient blood management: a restricted review

CFIR construct

ERIC strong or moderate recommendations


Access to knowledge and information [10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 21, 22]

Conduct educational meetings [12, 18, 21]

Develop educational materials [10, 13, 21]

Distribute educational materials [16, 22]

Create a learning collaborative [10]

Conduct ongoing training [21]

Capture and share local knowledge [18]

Conduct educational outreach visits

Identify and prepare champions

Provide local technical assistance

Shadow other experts

Structural characteristics [11, 12, 17, 18]

Capture and share local knowledge [18]

Assess for readiness and identify barriers and facilitators

Change physical structure and equipment

Identify and prepare champions

Conduct small cyclical tests of change

Build a coalition

Identify early adopters

Promote adaptability

Promote network weaving

Knowledge and beliefs about the intervention [12, 14,15,16, 19, 20, 23]

Conduct educational meetings [12, 15, 18, 19, 23]

Identify and prepare champions [15]

Develop educational materials [15, 20]

Conduct educational outreach visits [20]

Capture and share local knowledge [15, 18]

Conduct a local needs assessment

Assess for readiness and identify barriers and facilitators


Identify early adopters

Increase demand

Stage implementation scale-up

Inform local opinion leaders

Evidence strength and quality [12, 16, 20]

Conduct educational meetings [12]

Conduct local consensus discussions [20]

Conduct educational outreach visits [20]

Distribute educational materials [16]

Develop educational materials [20]

Capture and share local knowledge

Develop academic partnerships

Identify early adopters

Identify and prepare champions

Inform local opinion leaders

Culture [12, 15, 18, 20, 23]

Conduct educational meeting s[12, 15, 23]

Identify and prepare champion s[15]

Capture and share local knowledg e[15]

Conduct local consensus discussion s[20, 23]

Create a learning collaborative


Conduct a local needs assessment

Assess for readiness and identify barriers and facilitators

Recruit, designate and train for leadership

Tailor strategies

Inform local opinion leaders

Promote adaptability

Use advisory boards and workgroups

Complexity [18]

Develop a formal implementation blueprint

Promote adaptability

Conduct small cyclical tests of change

Conduct ongoing training

Create a learning collaborative

Assess for readiness and identify barriers and facilitators

Identify and prepare champions

Stage implementation scale-up Capture and share local knowledge

Model and simulate change


Identify early adopters

Organize clinician implementation team meetings

Provide ongoing consultation

Tailor strategies

Available resources [18]

Capture and share local knowledge [18]

Access new funding

Change physical structure and equipment

Develop resource sharing agreements

Alter patient/consumer fees

Fund and contract for clinical innovation

Make billing easier

Use other payment schemes

Relative advantage [20]

Conduct local consensus discussions [20]

Identify and prepare champions

Conduct a local needs assessment

Conduct small cyclical tests of change

Inform local opinion leaders

Assess for readiness and identify barriers and facilitators

Conduct educational meetings

Alter incentive/allowance structures

Increase demand

Promote adaptability

Visit other sites

Engagement [18]

Conduct local consensus discussions [18]

Conduct a local needs assessment

Assess for readiness and identify barriers and facilitators

Develop and implement tools for quality monitoring

Identify and prepare champions

Develop a formal implementation blueprint

Conduct ongoing training


Peer pressure [20]

Conduct local consensus discussions [20]

Involve executive boards [20]

Increase demand

Identify early adopters

Alter incentive/allowance structures

Identify and prepare champions

Involve patients/consumers and family members

Inform local opinion leaders

Tension for change [10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21]

Identify and prepare champions [15]

Conduct local consensus discussions [10, 17, 18]

Facilitate relay of clinical data to providers [10, 21]

Involve patients/consumers and family members

Inform local opinion leaders

Assess for readiness and identify barriers and facilitators

Alter incentive/allowance structures

Conduct a local needs assessment

  1. Bold text indicates utilisation in the included studies. The barrier column includes all studies that stated the relevant barrier. Not all barriers reported in the studies were addressed using the recommendations, e.g. complexity