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Table 3 Core sequence analysis

From: From sensitization to adoption? A qualitative study of the implementation of a digitally supported intervention for clinical decision making in polypharmacy

Major topic: habitus of primary care physicians

Formulating interpretation

Reflecting interpretation (discourse organization)

Subtopic 1: medication review as a professional task of pharmacists

Proposition: introduction of a new frame of orientation

Subtopic 2: balancing effort and usefulness of the digital intervention

Elaboration in the mode of a description with modifying extension

Subtopic 3: amount of information provided by the digital intervention

Background construction in the mode of exemplification with argumentative insertion

Subtopic 4: deprescribing after hospital discharge

Validated elaboration of exemplification in the mode of differentiation

Subtopic 5: evidence-based clinical decision-making vs “healing art”

Opposition in the mode of argumentation

Subtopic 6: long-term medication and acute events

Differentiation in the mode of exemplification