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Table 2 Document review of SafeCare manuals

From: Incorporators, Early Investors, and Learners: a longitudinal study of organizational adaptation during EBP implementation and sustainment

Document review questions


How do the SafeCare manuals talk about flexibility?

“SafeCare is structured but flexible in its delivery.” (SafeCare Overview)

“…it is important to have flexibility to allow the Provider to discuss other related topics. This balance of structure and flexibility will ensure that the Provider knows what to expect out of coaching while also feeling free to discuss other relevant issues.” (Coach manual)

How do the SafeCare manuals talk about the process of adaptation?

“It is critical that any adaptations that are made do not compromise the model structure or lead to a Provider not maintaining model fidelity.” (Coach manual)

“Experience and support from your Trainer will help you understand the parameters by which you can facilitate the Provider’s delivery of the program and what adaptations are appropriate and those that deviate from the core of the model and its research base.” (Coach manual)

What examples of adaptation are provided in the SafeCare manuals?

“Providers may need to adapt a session by changing step order, condensing or expanding the number of sessions, and/or adding additional information or practice time to match the family’s circumstances.” (Coach manual)

“SafeCare is still appropriate for families in transitional housing and families experiencing homelessness…If necessary, a mock room can be set up to help the parent learn the process of identifying and removing hazards.” (Provider manual)

What are the SafeCare model standards? (used to identify deviation from these standards)

Client age: 5 years old or younger. Parent-Child Interaction Module (PCI) is for parents of children ages 18 months through 5 years old. (Provider manual)

Combining with other services: SafeCare can be conducted by itself or with other services. (Provider manual)

What kinds of potential organizational adaptation are discussed in the SafeCare manuals?

“your agency’s implementation may require more sessions or more frequent coaching.” (Coach manual)

“your site’s implementation may require more sessions or more frequent Coach support.” (Trainer manual)

“agencies may choose to present the parent with a certificate of completion, either for each module and/or for completing the overall program. You may modify these certificates for your agency and families.” (Provider manual)