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Table 4 Study outcomes

From: Comparing a standard and tailored approach to scaling up an evidence-based intervention for antiretroviral therapy for people who inject drugs in Vietnam: study protocol for a cluster randomized hybrid type III trial



Measure or scale*

Primary implementation outcome

Fidelity to SNaP protocol

Delivering SNaP as intended

% system navigation sessions completed × average quality score + % counseling sessions completed × average quality score

Secondary implementation outcomes


% of PWID participants contacted, and enrolled in SNaP

Proportion of newly diagnosed or previously diagnosed and not currently on ART participants at HIV testing sites who are contacted by a navigator and/or counselor and participate in a SNaP session.


Perception that SNaP is agreeable, palatable, or satisfactory.

For PWID participants: acceptability of Intervention Measure scale [61]

For site staff: Ottawa Acceptability of Decision Rules Instrument [62]

Implementation costs

Costs of SNaP and its implementation

Directly measured non-research costs, including all costs of implementation

Primary effectiveness outcome

Uptake of ART

% participants who initiated ART

ART clinic records of consenting participants

Secondary effectiveness outcomes

Viral suppression

% participants virally suppressed

Undetectable viral load on dried blood spots in the subsample cohort

Uptake of MOUD

% of participants on MOUD

MOUD clinic records of consenting participants

  1. *All measures were adapted to SNaP (Additional file 2)
  2. Abbreviations: ART antiretroviral therapy, MOUD medications for opioid use disorder, PWID people who inject drugs, SNaP system navigation and psychosocial counseling intervention