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Table 2 Reporting trustworthiness of qualitative data based on Guba and Lincoln’s criteria [142]

From: Adjust your own oxygen mask before helping those around you: an autoethnography of participatory research



Dependability: consistency and accuracy of findings

Through iterative, ongoing immersion in peer-reviewed literature from a variety of fields, we anchored the ethnographic observations in scientific findings. Essentially, we demonstrated that researchers and participatory implementation processes are consistent with concepts from the social sciences and natural sciences.

Credibility: truth of the findings

Our reflexivity statements in the methods section and transparency with which we approached our own struggles and situatedness indicate that the findings are true to our lived experience within this IRPP.

Confirmability: neutrality and whether findings are supported by evidence

The findings suggest that we were not neutral and emotionless during the participatory process; however, we transparently (and vulnerably) reported our own holistic involvement in the process, triangulating data from cultural artifacts, the GRA field notes, collaborative reconstruction of events, and ongoing theoretically informed brainstorming.

Transferability: application in other contexts

We report our unique lived experience within a unique IRPP and do not expect our exact thoughts, emotions, and relationships to be replicated in other contexts. However, insight to the importance of situatedness is transferable to other researchers. Regardless of the scientific paradigms to which we ascribe or objectivity to which we strive, other researchers can also leverage the transformative potential of reflection to elevate personal meaning, practical relevance, and empirical depth.