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Table 2 Worked examples of AACTT-specified behaviours across study designs

From: Action, actor, context, target, time (AACTT): a framework for specifying behaviour

Study design

Interviews (qualitative) [55]

Questionnaire (quantitative) [34]

Intervention development [56]

Cluster randomised trial [57]

Fidelity assessment (process evaluation) [58]

Mechanism of change (process evaluation) [59]


Managing back pain without X-ray

Prescribing additional antihypertensive drugs

Provision of sexual counselling group sessions

Examining feet yourself and/or referring for foot exam

Providing behavioural support for smoking cessation (detailed by component behaviour change techniques)

Advising patient to make an appointment for retinal screening within the next 12 months



General practitioners

Cardiac rehabilitation healthcare staff

General practitioner and nurse

Trained specialist stop smoking advisor

Family doctors


Private clinics (Canada, USA with an HMO)

Practice clinic

Hospitals in the Republic of Ireland

Practice clinic

English stop-smoking service clinic in East London and North England

Examination room in family practice


Patient with acute low back pain

Patients with type 2 diabetes whose blood pressure (BP) is 5 mmHg above a target of 140 mmHg systolic BP or 80 mmHg diastolic BP even following previous management

Patients aged 18+ with cardiovascular disease

Patients with type 2 diabetes

Smokers trying to quit

Specific patient scenario: 57-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes on metformin 500 mg, non-smoker, no other medication, A1C < 7%, BMI 25, BP 125/75, normal foot exam, attended retinal screening over 12 months ago


During patient visit

Over the next 12 months

During Phase III cardiac rehabilitation

In the last 12 months

Over four weekly sessions

During annual diabetes checkup