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Table 1 MPH course titles and descriptions

From: Building capacity for Public Health 3.0: introducing implementation science into an MPH curriculum

Model component

Course name

Course description


Designing Systems for Effective Implementation

Students apply design methods to create service delivery and support systems capable of achieving to successful health outcomes using a case study centered on the Ebola crisis in Liberia.


Introduction to Implementation Research and Practice in Public Health

Students review core theories and methods in implementation research and applied practice employing a case study of the implementation of a program in India to address behaviors that are high-risk for HIV/AIDS.


Applied Quality Improvement Methods for Healthcare and Public Health

Students learn quality improvement skills using a case study on improving clinic scheduling efficiencies.


Monitoring and Evaluation of Global Health Programs

Students learn concepts and tools for monitoring and evaluation of public health programs by revisiting the case study used in the Implementation course through an evaluation lens.