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Table 4 Suggestions for T-CaST improvement identified during phase 2

From: T-CaST: an implementation theory comparison and selection tool



Changes made to tool

Background and purpose of tool

Clarify purpose of tool, as it does not help users identify a TMF but does allow users to evaluate or compare theories.

- Purpose reframed to evaluating TMF or comparing one or more pre-defined TMF

- Instructions created that describe the multiple ways the tool can be used

- Changes made to the tool (described below) facilitate new purpose

Include information on how domains were selected.

- Included link to paper that describes methods

Tool design

Provide space to note project information up-front.

- Space provided for describing project, including title, research questions, aims, study design, constructs, data collection, and analysis plan

Add features to facilitate comparing/scoring/ranking TMF and/or characteristics.

- Column added where users can select the characteristics relevant to their project

- Space provided for assessing two TMF on the same tool

- Scoring system added to the tool; users can score TMF overall and along each characteristic

Provide space for multiple team members to contribute.

- Space added for averaging scores among team members

Case examples

Provide multiple case examples from different audiences.

- Multiple case examples solicited from both researchers and practitioners

Development of online tool

If putting tool online, format accordingly, including hyperlinks to resources and using drop down features to provide information about each domain.

- On paper tool, included link to resource about D&I TMF

- Other changes will be implemented when online tool is created.

  1. TMF Theory, model, or framework