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Table 1 Variables Organized by Project Aims and Conceptual Model

From: Protocol to disseminate a hospital-site controlled intervention using audit and feedback to implement guidelines concerning inappropriate treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria

Variable or data elements


Conceptual mapping and purpose

Aim 1: Pre-Implementation Assessment of Intervention Sites

 Identification of local champions

Site elements questionnaire (Appendix B)

Capacity: Social roles

 Identification of critical site elements

Capacity: Material resources

Potential: Collective contribution

 Daily workflow around bacteriuria

Process mapping

Capacity: Social roles and material resources

 Perception of organizational readiness to change

ORCA (Appendix C)

Potential: Collective commitment

 Perception of leadership support of change effort

Capacity: Social norms

 Social norms

Kicking CAUTI Survey (Appendix D)

Capacity: Social norms


Potential: Individual intention

 Outcome expectancy

Potential: Individual intention

 Guidelines familiarity and acceptance

Capacity: Cognitive resources

 Behavior (self-reported)

Capacity: Cognitive resources

Aim 2: Implement the Kicking CAUTI Intervention

 Aim 2A: Measure effectiveness of the intervention in terms of clinical outcomes (intervention and control sites)

  Number of urine cultures ordered


Clinical outcomes reflect contribution: sense making, cognitive participation, collective action, and reflexive monitoring

  Number of antimicrobial starts


  Number of antimicrobial starts after urine culture


  Number of episodes of C. difficile associated disease


  Number of urinary source bacteremias


  Number of episodes of UTI and ASB

Chart reviewa

  Percentage of episodes of ASB treated with antimicrobials

Chart reviewa

  Percentage of episodes of UTI not treated

Chart reviewa

 Aim 2B: Measure the adoption and fidelity of the intervention process (intervention sites)

  Number of cases presented as audit and feedback sessions/total cases per month

Recorded by site champion (adoption)

Capability: Workability

  Number of staff who participate in case presentations/total potential participants per month

Recorded by site champion (adoption)

  Number of surveys completed/distributed

Manual count (adoption)

  Method of delivery of case-based audit and feedback

Recorded by site champion (fidelity)

  Leadership awareness of intervention

% emailed facility reports opened (adoption)

Capability: Integration

Contribution: Collective action

Contribution: Reflexive monitoring

  Algorithm penetration

Number of pocket cards distributed (adoption)

  Integration of intervention into existing antimicrobial stewardship program

Annual report includes Kicking CAUTI program or elements (adoption)

Aim 3: Conduct a Budget Impact Analysis (Intervention sites)

 Clinical utilization costs (pre, during, post)

Time logs, surveys, CDW, HERC, MCAS, literature

Capability: Workability

Contribution: Coherence or sense-making

 Intervention costs

  1. aIndividual chart review will be triggered by positive urine cultures
  2. Abbreviations: ORCA organizational readiness to change, CDW corporate data warehouse, HERC Health Economics Resource Center, MCAS Managerial Cost Accounting System