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Table 5 Characteristics of patients in stable high fidelity and moderate and improving fidelity organizations

From: Implementation fidelity trajectories of a health promotion program in multidisciplinary settings: managing tensions in rehabilitation care

Patients’ characteristics

Cluster 1 (C1)

Stable high fidelity

Cluster 2 (C2)

Moderate and improving fidelity

Age* mean (SD) (C1: n = 843, C2: n = 415)

49.0 (13.2)

51.3 (14.0)

Gender* % (N) (C1: n = 844, C2: n = 417)


56.9% (480)

50.1% (209)

Diagnose* % (N) (C1: n = 831, C2: n = 412)

 Brain disorders (e.g., stroke)

27.6% (229)

29.1% (120)

 Disorders of locomotor system

20.6% (171)

14.3% (59)

 Chronic pain

19.0% (158)

15.8% (65)

 Neurologic disorders

6.6% (138)

9.5% (39)

 Disorders of organs

5.4% (45)

19.4% (80)

 Other disorders (e.g., amputation, spinal cord injury)

10.8% (90)

11.9% (49)

Number of received counseling sessions (telephone and email)* (C1: n = 844, C2: n = 417)

 0 e-mails/phone calls

18.0% (152)

7.9% (33)

 1–3 e-mails/phone calls

62.2% (525)

44.8% (187)

 4 or more mails/phone calls

19.8% (167)

47.2% (197)

Referred to SCC by:* (C1: n = 678, C2: n = 345)

 Rehabilitation physician

30.5% (207)

13.6 (47)

 Sport therapist

29.8% (202)

32.2% (111)


22.3% (151)

53.6% (185)

 Multidisciplinary team

16.5% (112)

0% (0)


0.9% (6)

0.6% (2)

Physical activity behavior at baseline (C1: n = 755, C2: n = 385) and follow-up (C1: n = 573, C2: n = 273)

 Physical activity score at baseline (median + IQR)

3300 + 5024

3420 + 5963

 Physical activity score at follow-up (median + IQR)

2940 ± 4968

2958 ± 4915

  1. Notes. Stage of change at baseline and physical activity levels are obtained from survey-data filled in by patients. Other patients’ characteristics are obtained from the online registration system filled in by counselors. *Statistical significant (p < .01) difference between both clusters based on chi-square tests. C1 cluster 1, C2 cluster 2, SCC Sports Counseling Center