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Table 2 Interview questions

From: Applying the Theoretical Domains Framework to identify barriers and targeted interventions to enhance nurses’ use of electronic medication management systems in two Australian hospitals

Could you explain the electronic medication management system that is used in this unit to me please?

Can you tell me about the medication process that is used in this unit? [Prompts: Is there a medication round, nurse dedicated to medication delivery, pharmacy round etc]?

Can you tell me about how has using the electronic medication management system changed aspects of your work?

Are there times when it is difficult to use the electronic system in administering medication? Can you tell me about some of the things that make it difficult?

Can you tell me about what do you do when something makes it difficult to get the medication to the patient?

Does everyone use the same practices to get the medication to the patient? Can you tell me about how the practices differ between nurses?

Can you tell me about whether and how you workaround the system to get the medication to the patient?

Can you tell me about whether and how other people workaround the system the system to get the medication to the patient?

Would you explain for me if there are times when it is OK to workaround the system to get the medication to the patient and when it is not OK ? Is this the same for everyone?

Can you tell me about times when it is OK for some nurses to workaround the system the system to get the medication to the patient but not OK for others to workaround?

Are there times when it is easier to use the electronic system in administering medication? Can you tell me about some of the things that make using the electronic medication management system easier?

Can you tell me what impact you think the electronic medication management system has had on quality and safety?

What sort of things impact on the use of the electronic medication management system? [For example, experience with the system, business of the shift, staff levels]