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Table 2 A classification of knowledge encounters: knowledge facets, descriptions and examples

From: Describing knowledge encounters in healthcare: a mixed studies systematic review and development of a classification

Knowledge facet


Examples from included studies

Codified knowledge

Research, theoretical or practice-based knowledge subject to quality control by editors, peer review and debate

Journal, guidelines, textbook

Individualised codified knowledge

Codified knowledge presented in some manner by individuals in person

Informal conversation with colleagues, seminars, grand rounds

Procedural knowledge

The individual actions required to carry out a given activity

Observation of other’s practice

Process or policy knowledge

Local or national processes and policies

Local care delivery, national health policy

Experiential knowledge

That obtained through personal experience

What has worked/not worked before, personal clinical experience, patient’s experiences of illness


The implicit norms of a given healthcare setting or professional group

The way it has always been done

Product or service knowledge

Commercial product and service characteristics

Company representative, company literature