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Table 1 Indicators of successful implementation of the core recommendations (primary outcome)

From: Impact of a tailored program on the implementation of evidence-based recommendations for multimorbid patients with polypharmacy in primary care practices—results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial

Recommendation/implementation objective


Data source

Recommendation 1: SMC incl. brown bag review was performed at least once


Percentage of patients answering the item “Have you had an appointment for medication counseling with your GP within the last 9 months” in the affirmative

Patient questionnaire


Percentage of patients answering the item “If yes, have you brought all your medication packages to this appointment” in the affirmative

Recommendation 2: patients take along medication lists meeting minimum standards


Percentage of medication lists specifying the name of the active substance of each drug

Medication lists generated by the practice


Percentage of medication lists specifying the reason for prescription for each drug


Percentage of medication lists specifying the exact dosage for drugs taken as needed


Percentage of medication lists containing instructions for the application of at least one drug


Percentage of medication list with a date not older than 9 months


Percentage of patients with long-term medication having a medication list with them

Oral survey in the practices

Recommendation 3: GPs review the medication systematically using tools to reduce PIM


The response scale of the item “Do you use the PRISCUS list” to review the medication of your patients?” was converted into a percentage value with always = 100%, frequently = 75%, sometimes = 50%, rarely = 25%, never = 0%

GP questionnaires


The response scale of the item “Do you use the MAI” to review the medication of your patients?” was converted into a percentage value with always = 100%, frequently = 75%, sometimes = 50%, rarely = 25%, never = 0%