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Table 2 Theory of planned behaviour and atheoretical outserts

From: Printed educational messages fail to increase use of thiazides as first-line medication for hypertension in primary care: a cluster randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN72772651]


Content of atheoretical message

Content of theory of planned behaviour-based message

Message wording

Take a new look at THIAZIDES for first-line treatment for hypertension

Prescribe thiazide diuretics as the first drug to treat patients with hypertension

BP control equal to all other antihypertensives

You will be more effective in lowering your patients’ heart failure risk than if you prescribe calcium channel blockers

Better stroke prevention than ACE inhibitors

You will be more effective in lowering patients’ stroke risk than if you prescribe ACE inhibitors

Better heart failure prevention than calcium channel blockers

You can feel good about giving your patients the most effective treatment

You will be prescribing one of the most effective drugs as recommended by the Canadian Hypertension Education Program

Make THIAZIDES the first-line choice for YOUR patients

Will YOU routinely prescribe thiazide diuretics? YES no

Attributes specified in study protocol


Take a new look at THIAZIDES for first-line treatment for hypertension (11 words)

Prescribe thiazide diuretics as the first drug to treat patients with hypertension (12 words)

Up to four bullet points

(3 bullet points)

(4 bullet points)

Up to 85 words

(40 words)

(85 words)

Key clinical messages with footnotes on back of card

Cite the ALLHAT trial as evidence base for the recommended behaviour