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Table 3 Suggested intervention content and mechanisms of action using the behaviour change technique (BCT) taxonomy (v1); behaviour change wheel capability, opportunity and motivation-behaviour (COM-B) model; and theoretical domains framework (TDF) [26]

From: General practitioner views on the determinants of test ordering: a theory-based qualitative approach to the development of an intervention to improve immunoglobulin requests in primary care

Intervention component

Mechanisms of action

Intervention content



BCT grouping



Information and training about immunoglobulin use in primary care, i.e. provide guidelines on when to request and how to interpret results


C-(Psy.), C-(Phys.)

Shaping knowledge

Instructions on how to perform behaviour


Provide feedback on individual GP feedback (volume of tests)

Note: not a suitable strategy in this context



Feedback and monitoring

Feedback on behaviour

Education, persuasion

Clearly communicate situations where immunoglobulin testing is not beneficial. (i.e. develop an algorithm of scenarios where tests should be performed, supported by consultant haematologists and GPs)

B Cap, B Con


Natural consequences, comparison of outcomes

Information about health consequences, credible source


Provide notes detailing consultant advice on the test results (ideally provided on the end of the test results)

Env, S/P Id

O-(Phys.), O-(Soc.)

Antecedents, associations

Restructuring the physical environment, prompts/cues, Adding objects to the environment

Environmental restructure, enablement

  1. 1TDF abbreviations: Kn knowledge, MAD memory, attention and decision processes, BR behavioural regulation, Env environmental context and resources, B Cap beliefs about capabilities, B Con beliefs about consequences, S/P Id social/professional role and identity
  2. 2COM-B components: C-(Psych) psychological capability, C-(Phys) physical capability, M-(Refl) reflective motivation, O-(Phys) physical opportunity, M-(Auto) automatic motivation