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Table 1 Sampling framework for case studies

From: Study protocol: DEcisions in health Care to Introduce or Diffuse innovations using Evidence (DECIDE)

Innovation case study


Innovation stage



1. Reconfiguring stroke services

Acute; Greater Manchester (GM) and other areas reviewing services


‘Strong’; research shows improvements in mortality in London [18, 19]

Major system change; involves multiple providers and commissioners

2. New national guidance on referral for suspected cancer

Primary care; GP practices in two local health economies with different mix of actors supporting implementation (clinical networks, third sector)


‘Inconclusive’; national guidance lowers referral threshold [22], with the aim of reducing emergency admissions and diagnosing at earlier stage

Top-down change; responses of GPs and actors at local health economy level

3. New virtual clinics within extended network of eye services

Acute/community outreach; clinics across large metropolitan area and surrounding region


‘Weak’; local pilot data suggesting reduced patient journey time [26], but lack of patient outcome data and evidence for networked clinics

Organisational network; from pilot to wider implementation of networked clinics