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Table 5 Theoretical Antecedents of i-PARIHS (adapted from [16])

From: PARIHS revisited: from heuristic to integrated framework for the successful implementation of knowledge into practice

Focus of implementation

Themes identified from theoretical analysis

Indicative references

WHAT is being implemented: characteristics of the evidence, knowledge or innovation

Broad definitions of evidence, linked to wider literature on innovation and knowledge generation and application

Embedded and emergent; influence and contribution of tacit knowledge

Importance of experiential and situated learning

Value of co-production

Rycroft-Malone et al. [6]

Kolb [66]

Lave and Wenger [67]

Rogers [33, 34]

Van de Ven et al. [36, 69]

Greenhalgh et al. [35]

WHO is being targeted: characteristics of the target groups for implementation

Recognition of ‘want to’ and ‘can do’ factors (motivation and capability/capacity)

Importance of collectivity and learning within communities

Different responses to innovation and change

Different learning styles

Existence of boundaries between different groups/communities

Increasingly complex boundaries as innovation increases in novelty

Influence of social networks

Rogers [33, 34]

Weiner [71]

Michie et al. [70]

Cane et al. [65]

Wenger [87]

Gabbay et al. [39, 88]

Carlile [89]

WHERE: characteristics of the setting in which implementation takes place

Organisations as complex, adaptive systems

Emphasis on learning at the individual, team and organisational level

Influence of culture and mental models

Influence of prior knowledge and experience

Importance of collaboration, coordination and networks for knowledge exchange

Plsek and Greenhalgh [72]

Argyris and Schon [90]

Senge [75]

Schein [76]

Grol et al. [79]

Harvey et al. [74]

HOW: implications for the process of implementation

Distributed learning – through teams and networks

Importance of flexibility and adaptability

Tailoring approaches to different needs and responses

Reflective learning

Credible and trusted leaders and teachers

Distributed/shared leadership

Building relationships

Understanding and communicating practices

Rogers [82]

May and Finch [77]

Heron [83]

Deming [84]

McKee et al. [91]