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Table 2 Modifications to intervention based on themes and corresponding TDF domains identified in interviews

From: Bridging the gap between pragmatic intervention design and theory: using behavioural science tools to modify an existing quality improvement programme to implement “Sepsis Six”


TDF Domains


BCTs delivered

New intervention component 1: partnership agreement

 Empowerment and support, working together

Belief about capabilities, social/pro role and identity, behavioural regulation, social influences

A collaborative partnership agreement between the intervention facilitator and clinical leads of the area is developed. This includes:

Behavioural contracta

 Working together

Social influences, social professional role and identity

Details of when education and feedback sessions will be delivered and who will attend is decided by ward and facilitator collaboratively

Commitment,a self-monitoring

 Empowerment and support, working together

Belief about capabilities, social/pro role and identity, behavioural regulation, social influences

Two sepsis champions (1 doctor/1 nurse) nominated and supported

Social support (unspecified)

 Empowerment and support

Belief about capabilities, social/professional role and identity, behavioural regulation, social influences

Commitment to Sepsis Six includes recognition of role model status and staff support

Identification of self as role-model,a social support (unspecified)

Empowerment and support

Belief about capabilities, social/professional role and identity, behavioural regulation, social influences

Agreement that signatories will emphasise full group engagement with Sepsis Six

Commitment, behavioural contract

 Empowerment and support, working together

Belief about capabilities, social/pro role and identity, behavioural regulation, social influences

Agreement that signatories will emphasise that challenging others is encouraged

Commitment, behavioural contract

 Working together

Social influences, social professional role and identity

Agreement that staff attendance at training and feedback sessions will be recorded

Commitment, self-monitoring

 Empowerment and support

Belief about capabilities, social/professional role and identity, behavioural regulation, social influences

Agreement on iterative nature of the document—all parties are involved it its creation and amendments


 Empowerment and support

Belief about capabilities, social/professional role and identity, behavioural regulation, social influences

Plan for collecting and sharing implementation data including details of who is responsible how it will be shared/displayed

Commitment, action planninga

 Working together

Social influences, social/pro role and identity

Agreement that information shared at group feedback sessions will be cascaded down to all staff (those not able to attend feedback sessions)


New intervention component 2: Hospital at Night Co-ordinator education

 Staffing levels

Environmental context and resources

Hospital at Night Co-ordinators receive sepsis education session including:


 Risks and benefits

Beliefs about consequences

Statement about the severity/health consequences of sepsis to patient

Information about health consequences

 Risks and benefits

Beliefs about consequences

Statement about urgency: the consequences of not implementing within one hour

Information about health consequences

 Risks and benefits

Beliefs about consequences

Statement about the importance of finding an on call doctor to attend triggering patients

Information about health consequences

 Knowing what to do and why

Knowledge, social/pro role and identity

Statement of sepsis triggers

Instruction on how to perform a behaviour

 Staffing levels

Environmental context and resources

“Sepsis bags” are made available in the PARRT office

Adding objects to environment

 Working together

Social influences, social/pro role and identity

Instruction on how to perform a sepsis call to doctor

Instruction on how to perform a behaviour

 Knowing what to do and why

Knowledge, social/pro role and identity

Statement about importance of using the six steps together as a bundle

Information about health consequences

 Knowing what to do and why, risks and benefits

Knowledge, social/pro role and identity, beliefs about consequences

At least two “FAQs” are addressed, e.g. appropriate fluid volumes, evidence for oxygen administration, data on low C. Diff for broad spectrum abx, info about when hour begins, number needed to harm with bundle

Instruction on how to perform a behaviour, information about health consequences

Modifications to existing staff education component

 Empowerment and support

Belief about capabilities, social/professional role and identity, behavioural regulation, social influences

Statement that staff have authority to commence Sepsis Six using clinical discretion

Social support (unspecified)

 Empowerment and support

Belief about capabilities, social/professional role and identity, behavioural regulation, social influences

Statement that full ward/department commitment is expected

Information about social consequencesa

 Empowerment and support, working together

Belief about capabilities, social/pro role and identity, behavioural regulation, social influences

Statement that challenging others should be un-personal and should be normalised

Generalisation of behavioura

 Risks and benefits

Beliefs about consequences

Evidence of patient outcomes presented quantitatively in at least two formats

Information about health consequences

 Knowing what to do and why, working together

Knowledge, social/pro role and identity, social influences

Instruction on how to perform a sepsis call to doctor or Hospital at Night Co-ordinator

Instruction on how to perform a behaviour

 Knowing what to do and why

Knowledge, social/pro role and identity

Statement about importance of implementing the six steps together as a bundle

Information about health consequences

 Knowing what to do and why, risks and benefits

Knowledge, social/pro role and identity, beliefs about consequences

At least two “FAQs” are addressed, e.g. appropriate fluid volumes, evidence for oxygen administration, data on low C. Diff for broad spectrum abx, info about when hour begins, number needed to harm with bundle

Instruction on how to perform a behaviour, information about health consequences

Modifications to documents and materials component

 Staffing levels

Environmental context and resources

Sepsis bags made available to Hospital at Night Co-ordinators


 Knowing what to do and why, risks and benefits

Knowledge, social/pro role and identity, beliefs about consequences

“FAQ” information sheet addresses: appropriate fluid volumes, evidence for oxygen administration, data on low C. Diff for broad spectrum abx, info about when hour begins, number needed to harm with bundle

Instruction on how to perform a behaviour

  1. aNew BCT (not used in original intervention)