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Table 2 Implementation Phases I and II overview

From: Implementing measurement-based care (iMBC) for depression in community mental health: a dynamic cluster randomized trial study protocol

Evaluation aim

Evaluation activities

Phase 1: randomized trial, implementation and sustainment

Needs assessment (AT1; Fig. 1, Box 1)

Engage in the baseline mixed methods needs assessment

(a) A subset of clinicians (N = 5–8) identified via purposive sampling representing extreme variation will participate in a 1.5-h focus group

(i) Rapid Ethnography will then be used to uncover site-specific insights that will guide the content of training and consultation in the tailored condition only

(b) All enrolled clinicians will complete the battery of baseline measures (Table 3)

Implementation teams form

(a) Opinion leaders (Childers, 1986) and self-nominated MBC champions will be identified from the needs assessment

Clinicians Participate in 4-h MBC training workshop

Implementation teams convene triweekly and optional consultation offered to participating clinicians

(a) Implementation team meetings and consultation sessions will be audio-recorded and coded (see Additional file 1).

(b) A site-specific team member will also log meetings (using Additional file 1) and the data will be triangulated to evaluate consistency across sites

Implementation/process evaluation (AT2; Fig. 1, Box 2)

Engage in mixed methods reassessment

(a) Conduct an additional round of focus groups with clinicians

(b) Re-administer the baseline surveys to clinicians

Site implementation teams encouraged to continue to meet to promote MBC sustainment without the research personnel present

Outcome/impact evaluation (AT3; Fig. 1, Box 3)

Engage in mixed methods reassessment

(a) Conduct an additional round of focus groups with clinicians

(b) Re-administer the baseline surveys to clinicians

Conduct focus groups with implementation team to review their experience and site progress since the research personnel exited the team.

Phase 2: post hoc characterization of MBC fidelity

Outcome/impact evaluation

Measure MBC fidelity via data collected in the electronic health record

(a) Clinician reported client PHQ-9 scores

(b) A report to indicate whether the clinician looked at the scores

(c) Clinician self-report of whether they discussed the PHQ-9 scores with the client

Triangulate MBC fidelity outcome with client post-session text message surveys and objective therapy session coding

Focus group data formally coded for mixed method analysis

  1. Note: AT1 = assessment time 1—prior to MBC implementation; AT2 = assessment time 2–5 months after the needs assessment; AT3 = assessment time 3–10 months after implementation/process evaluation or 15 months after the baseline needs assessment