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Table 2 Guidelines for cluster labels

From: Use of concept mapping to characterize relationships among implementation strategies and assess their feasibility and importance: results from the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) study


Short and elegant; simpler is better.


Easier for users to remember.


No redundancies (e.g., labeling with “…the implementation process” which is redundant in mentioning implementation because all these are for implementation; and redundant also because implementation is a process).


Not too short; enough description to evoke the general purpose/intent/theme underlying the cluster of techniques that are included.


Short enough to make it clear to users that they must look at the individual techniques within the cluster/package to know/understand the activities. A fully descriptive title may lead users to believe the label says it all.


Begin with a verb.


Command structure (definition: A type of sentence that gives advice or instructions or that expresses a request or command.). Not that these are requests/commands but they are certainly words of action-oriented advice.


Use layperson terms to the extent possible.