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Table 3 Selected baseline patients’ characteristics

From: Feasibility, acceptability, and adherence of two educational programs for care staff concerning nursing home patients’ fecal incontinence: a pilot study preceding a cluster-randomized controlled trial

n = 62

Baseline values

Age, mean years (SD)

86 (10.14)

Gender, female, n (%)

48 (77.4)

Sum Barthel ADL scorea, n = 57b, mean (SD)

10.07 (5.5)

Cognitive impairment


Yes, n (%)

37 (59.7)

Partly, n (%)

13 (21)

  1. aBarthels scoring form for functioning in activities of daily living, scoring range 0–20 where 0 = independent
  2. bMissing data from one or more of the individual ADL score