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Table 2 Patient pathway with mapped barriers and domains

From: The development of an intervention to promote adherence to national guidelines for suspected viral encephalitis

Patient pathway

Barrier identified


Patient presents at hospital

Potential long wait time in Accident and Emergency

Environmental context and resources

Patient shows clinical features that indicate a lumbar puncture is required

Relies on clinical feature recognition



Beliefs about consequences

Decision is made to perform a lumbar puncture

May require several people to make this decision

Professional role


Social influences

Patient is admitted to ward/medical admissions unit for a lumbar puncture to be performed

Patient will need to be re-clerked

Beliefs about consequences

Environmental resources and context

Staff allocated to perform a lumbar puncture

Shift pattern, other duties, perceived importance of a lumbar puncture

Beliefs about capabilities

Beliefs about consequences


Equipment and supervision found: Lumbar puncture ready to go ahead

Need to know what equipment is needed, where it is and finding someone to supervise



Lumbar puncture performed

Many external factors as well as skill


Beliefs about capabilities


Results available. Management plan made

Who can make the plan, delays with results and knowledge to interpret

Professional role

Beliefs about consequences

Social influences

Additional test needed

Who can action this? Further delays can occur here

Beliefs about social comparison

