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Table 2 Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research: domains and constructs and operationalized descriptions

From: Local politico-administrative perspectives on quality improvement based on national registry data in Sweden: a qualitative study using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research

CFIR domains and domain descriptions

CFIR constructs and sub-constructs

Operationalized descriptions of the constructs and sub-constructs presented in the study

Intervention characteristics: characteristics of the intervention, which is often complex and multi-faceted, with many interacting components. Generally it has ‘core components’ and an ‘adaptable periphery’.

• Intervention source

Evidence strength and quality: validity and reliability, e.g., coverage and relevance of NQR variables

• Evidence strength and quality

Relative advantage: not only the advantage of ‘the intervention versus alternative solutions’ but also advantages—and disadvantages—of the intervention, NQRs themselves

• Relative advantage

Design quality and packaging: data input and data output (access) solutions

• Adaptability

• Trialability

• Complexity

• Design quality and packaging

• Cost

Outer setting: Generally, the outer setting includes the economic, political, and social context within which an organization resides.

• Patient needs and resources

Cosmopolitanism: networks and communications with actors external to the county council, i.e., with the NQR organizations, SALAR, public agencies, etc.

• Cosmopolitanism

• Peer pressure

• External policy and incentives

Inner setting: Generally, the inner setting includes features of structural, political, and cultural contexts through which the implementation process will proceed.

• Structural characteristics

Structural characteristics: the design of the politico-administrative organization (and the design of the clinical organization), e.g., the existence of quality improvement units

• Networks and communications

Networks and communications: the presence of formal and informal communication regarding NQRs and care quality

• Culture

Tension for change: current quality improvement efforts needs to be changed and based on NQRs

• Implementation climate: tension for change, compatibility, relative priority, organizational incentives and rewards, goals and feedback, learning climate

Relative priority: Is the NQRs a prioritized data source when improving care?

• Readiness for implementation: leadership engagement, available resources, access to knowledge and information

Organizational incentives and rewards: incentives and rewards intended to increase the quality of care through the use of NQRs

Goals and feedback: Are there goals linked to NQR variables?

Leadership engagement: commitment and involvement of politicians and administrators in the work related to NQRs and QI

Available resources: the level of resources available for work related to NQRs and QI

Characteristics of individuals: the individuals involved with the intervention and/or implementation process. Individuals have agency and are carriers of cultural, organizational, professional, and individual mindsets, norms, interests, etc.

• Knowledge and beliefs about the intervention

Not presented in the study

• Self-efficacy

• Individual stage of change

• Individual identification with organization

• Other personal attributes

Process: Implementation requires an active change process aimed to achieve individual and organizational level use of the intervention as designed. The implementation process may be an interrelated series of sub-processes that do not necessarily occur sequentially.

• Planning

Not presented in the study

• Engaging: opinion leaders, formally appointed internal implementation leaders, champions, external change agents

• Executing

• Reflecting and evaluating

  1. Source: Damschroder et al. [15].