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Table 3 Parameters and data collection for simulation procedures

From: Development and verification of an agent-based model of opinion leadership

Parameter settings for input variables

Results reporting of output variables

Parameter sweep

Count agents:

Number of nurses [50, 100, 200]a

Not visible

Number of educators [3, 7]


Mean prior belief [35, 65]

Available to give advice

Mean earned authority [35, 65]

Need advice

Mean motives [35, 65]

Gave advice

Mean evidence [40, 70]

Sought advice

Credibility threshold for giving advice [60, 70, 80]

Revised evidence assessment

Number of iterations [50]

Revised credibility assessment


Revised beliefs

Individual agent time series [initialization settings]

Variables at each time step

Number of staff nurses [100]b

Prior belief (revised from previous step)

Number of educators [5]b

Evidence (newly introduced each step)

Mean prior belief [50]

Credibility (changes based on new beliefs)

Mean earned authority [50]

Assessed evidence

Mean motives [50]

Assessed credibility

Mean evidence [60]

Available to give advice

Credibility threshold for giving advice [65]b

Need advice

Number of iterations [20]

Gave advice


Sought advice


Revised beliefs based evidence


Revised beliefs based on advice

  1. aNumbers indicate the values of the variables used in the simulation procedures.
  2. bVariables held static for each of 20 model executions.