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Table 2 Qualitative data collection plan

From: Implementation and evaluation of the 5As framework of obesity management in primary care: design of the 5As Team (5AsT) randomized control trial




Intervention Phase

Session field notes

Description: context, implementation process.

0-6 months

Semi-Structured Interviews

All 5AsT randomized providers. Baseline data: intervention content and process feedback-loop.

Initial 3 months

Personal views and practice, values fit, clinic climate.

Focus Groups

Evaluation of tools developed during sessions.

6 months

Passive Phase

Log book Diary notes of passive observations on clinical impact. 0–12 months Clinical Champion

Sustainability Phase

Focus Groups

Best practices and intervention impact during the passive phase.

12-24 months

Data Mixing


Semi-structured interviews with key providers.

Follow-up of emergent questions.

14-16 months

Semi-Structured interviews with selected patients.

Contextual factors that may have influenced patient behaviors.

18-24 months