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Table 1 Coding frame items informed by a priori hypothesised active ingredients and grounded theory

From: Implementation of a nurse-led behaviour change intervention to support medication taking in type 2 diabetes: beyond hypothesised active ingredients (SAMS Consultation Study)

Items informed by a priori hypothesised active ingredients


Nurse delivery

Number of items and scales

Inter-rater agreementa,b

Protocol adherence

One item (5-point Likert type scale, ‘very poor’ (1) to ‘very good’ (5)).



One item (‘very poor’ (1) to ‘very good’ (5)).


Motivational techniques

Elicitation of patient beliefs: eight binary items (yes, no): (dis)advantages, good and bad feelings, (lack of) support, facilitators and barriers regarding taking medication as prescribed.

Elicitation: M = 99.5%; range 98.0-100.0%.

Reinforcement and problem solving of relevant beliefs: eight items each (yes, no, not applicable if no beliefs to reinforce or problem solve).

Reinforcement: M = 78.6%; range 69.4-89.8%. Problem solving: M = 76.0%; range 69.4-87.8%.

Action planning techniques

Prompt elaboration of action plan for each dose taken: one item (‘very rarely/never’ (1) to ‘very frequently’ (5)).

M = 82.3%, range 77.6-87.8%.

Patient receipt

Number of items and scales

Inter-rater agreement a,b

Generation of beliefs

Eight binary items (yes/no). Items were scored as ‘yes’ if patients mentioned a relevant belief or said that they could not think of anything.

M = 92.6%, range 85.7-98.0%.

Formulation of action plans

Level of difficulty of each plan: one item (‘very difficult’ (1) to ‘very easy’ (5)).

M = 89.8%, range 87.8-93.9%.

Vocal formulation of each plan: one item (‘to a very small extent’ (1) to ‘to a very great extent’ (5)).

M = 87.8%; range 85.7-91.8%.

Who wrote each plan: one item (nurse, patient, unsure, other).

M = 94.6%, range 91.8-98.0%.

Who read out each plan: one item (nurse, patient, unsure, other).

M = 93.2%, range 89.8-98.0%

Read out in ‘if… then…’ format: one item (yes, no, not read out)

M = 93.9%, range 91.8-98.0%

Number of changes in each plan compared to existing routines: one item (‘very few/none’ (1) to ‘very many’ (5))’

M = 96.6%, range 95.9-98.0%

Items identified through grounded theory


Nurse delivery

Number of items and scales

Inter-rater agreement a,b

Communication style

Four items: professional/authoritative, friendly/relaxed, anxious/tentative, and angry/irritated (‘very rarely/never’ (1) to ‘very frequently’ (5)).

Intervention: M = 83.7%, range 71.4-98.0%

Standard care: M = 73.5%, range 67.4-79.6%.

Positive and negative aspects of communication

Nine items: agreement, disagreement, rapport facilitation and inhibition, partnership facilitation and inhibition, giving information, counselling/directing behaviour, and social behaviour (‘very rarely/never’ (1) to ‘very frequently’ (5)).

Intervention: M = 83.5%, range 75.5-95.9%.

Standard care: M = 69.6%, 55.1-85.7%.

Engagement with the intervention

One item (‘very disengaged’ (1) to ‘very engaged’ (5)).


Nurse-patient relationship

One item for relationship quality (‘very poor’ (1) to ‘very good’ (5)).

Intervention: 91.8%

Standard care: 73.5%

Patient receipt of intervention

Four items: engagement (‘very disengaged’ (1) to ‘very engaged’ (5)); amount of talk (‘very little’ (1) to ‘a lot’ (5)); question asking (‘very rarely/never’ (1) to ‘very frequently’ (5)); understanding (‘very poor’ (1) to ‘very good’ (5)).

M = 89.8%, range 83.7-93.9%.

General items

Number of items and scales

Inter-rater agreement a, c


Five items: standard care (two items), intervention introduction, motivational component, action planning component (minutes:seconds).

M = 92.0%, range 84.0-100%

  1. Notes: aInter-rater agreement is reported for both coder pairs combined. It is expressed as percentage general agreement for items with Likert-type scales; and percentage absolute agreement for other items. bIntervention: reliability during intervention delivery (N = 117). Standard care: reliability during standard care delivery to all patients (N = 194). cAgreement between raters within one minute.