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Table 1 The main domains in the 12 included checklists compared with the TICD checklist

From: A checklist for identifying determinants of practice: A systematic review and synthesis of frameworks and taxonomies of factors that prevent or enable improvements in healthcare professional practice

Included checklists (first author, year of publication, reference)

The seven domains of factors in the TICD checklist


Guideline factors

Individual health professional factors

Patient factors

Professional interactions

Incentives and resources

Capacity for organisational change

Social, political and legal factors

Cabana 1999 [4]

Behaviour - guideline factors e.g. guideline characteristics and presence of conflicting guidelines

Knowledge e.g. familiarity, awareness Attitudes e.g. agreement with the specific guideline and guidelines in general, outcome expectancy, self-efficacy, motivation Behaviour e.g. external barriers, guideline factors, environmental factors

Behaviour - external barriers e.g. patient factors

Not included

Behaviour - environmental factors, lack of resources or reimbursement

Behaviour - environmental factors organisational constraints

Not included

Cochrane 2007 [14]

Clinical practice guidelines/evidence barriers e.g. utility, evidence, access, structure, applicability

Cognitive/ behavioural barriers e.g. knowledge, awareness, skill/ expertise Health care professional barriers

Patient barriers e.g. patient adherence

Health care professional barriers – e.g. peer influence

Support/resources barriers e.g. time, cost and funding issues, resources

System/process barriers e.g. organisational, system, workload/ overload

Health care professional barriers e.g. legal issues

Damschroder 2009 [15]

Intervention characteristics e.g. source, evidence strength and quality, relative advantage, adaptability, triability, complexity, cost

Characteristics of individuals e.g. knowledge and beliefs about the intervention, self-efficacy, individual stage of change, individual identification with organisation

“Outer setting” e.g. patient needs

“Inner setting” e.g. network and communications, culture

“Inner setting” e.g. available resources, incentives, access to knowledge and information “Outer setting” e.g. incentives

“Inner setting” e.g. learning climate, readiness for implementations, organisational incentives. “Outer setting” e.g. external policies “Process”

Not included

Greenhalgh 2004 [17]

Innovation - inherent attributes (e.g. relative advantage, compatibility, low complexity, trialability, observability), operational attributes (task relevance and usefulness, feasibility, nature of knowledge needed)

Adopters and adoption - characteristics and needs, meaning of the innovation, nature of the adoption decision, concerns

Not included

Communication and influence - nature of networks, main agents of social influence

Inner context organisation’s readiness (dedicated time/resources, broad based support)

Inner context - structural features of the organisation, organisation’s absorptive capacity for new knowledge, receptive context, organisation’s readiness Outer context Implementation and sustainability External agencies

Not included

Gurses 2010 [16]

Guideline characteristics e.g. relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, observability, strength of evidence

Clinician characteristics e.g. awareness, familiarity, agreement, self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, motivation, normative beliefs, subjective norms

Not included

System characteristics e.g. organisational characteristics (e.g. culture, teamwork, communication)

Implementation characteristics e.g. funding availability, monitoring and feedback mechanisms

Implementation characteristics e.g. tension for change, mandate/preparation-planning, leader and middle manager involvement and support, getting ideas from outside the organisation

Not included

Kitson 2008 [18]

Evidence – research and clinical experience

Not directly included

Evidence –patient experience

Context - context, culture,

Context – human/financial /technological/ equipment – resources appropriately allocated

Context - context, leadership, evaluation Facilitation - purpose, role, skills and attributes

Not included

Mäkelä 1999 [5]

Not included

Professionals: KnowledgeSkillsAttitudes

Environment Social factors support for or discourage-ment of change by others (e.g. patients)

Environment Social factors - support for or discouragement of change by others (e.g. colleagues at practice site, other members of professional team)

Economic factors - availability/lack of resources

Organisational factors – e.g. availability of guidelines at workplace, practicality within existing practice setting or routines, local infrastructures or rules)

Not included

Michie 2005 [7]

Nature of the behaviours

Knowledge Skills Social/professional role and identity (self-standards) Beliefs about capabilities (self-efficacy) Beliefs about consequences (anticipated outcomes/attitude) Motivation and goals (intention) Memory, attention and decision processes Emotion Behavioural regulation

Not included

Social influences (norms)

Environmental context and resources (environmental constraints)

Environmental context and resources (environmental constraints)

Not included

Rainbird 2006 [8]

The innovation itself - feasibility, credibility, accessibility, attractiveness

Individual professional - awareness, knowledge, attitude, motivation to change, behavioural routines

Patient - knowledge skills, attitude, compliance

Social context - opinion of colleagues, culture of the network, collaboration

Organisational context – capacities, resources

Social context – leadership Organisational context – care processes, staff, structures

Economic and political context - financial arrangements, regulations, policies

Saillour-Glenisson 2003 [20]

Clinical practice guideline characteristics - form, topic, compatibility, trialability, scientific basis, observability, adaptability, legal implications

Physician characteristics - knowledge about the CPG, attitude and agreement to CPG, psychological and socio-demographic and economic characteristics, job satisfaction, training

Human environment e.g. patient influence, attitude, physician - patient interaction

Human environment e.g. peer influence

Oganizational environment – financial context (resources)

Organisational environment (internal and external environment)

Organisational environment – External environment

SURE Collaboration 2011 [19]


Providers of care - knowledge and skills, attitudes regarding programme acceptability, appropriateness and credibility, motivation to change or adopt new behaviour

Recipients of care – knowledge, skills and attitudes, motivation to change or adopt new behaviour

Other stakeholders knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivation to change or adopt new behaviour

Health system constraints – e.g. accessibility of care, financial resources, human resources, incentives,

Other stakeholders Knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivation to change or adopt new behavior Health system constraints e.g. internal and external communication, management or leadership, information systems, patient flow processes, bureaucracy, relationship with norms and standards

Social and political constraints - ideology, short-term thinking, contracts, legislation or regulations, influential people, political stability

Wensing [3]

Not included

Individual level: Cognitive factors Motivational factors Behavioural factors -

Not included

Professional interaction: Interaction in professional teams Structure of professional networks

Factors related to structures: Financial incentives Regulations-purchaser provider contract relationships

Organisational level: Organisational structures Organisational processes Organisational resources Factors related to structures: Societal factors

Factors related to structures: Regulations