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Table 2 Survey measures

From: Promoting state health department evidence-based cancer and chronic disease prevention: a multi-phase dissemination study with a cluster randomized trial component

Survey section

Number of items

Type of variables

Subscales or sample items

Item sources



Yes/no, number of years, check one, check all that apply

Position, program area

Jacobs 2010

Years at state health department

Reis (in press)

Years in public health

EBIs implemented (selection pattern based on program area)

Varied by topic asked

Yes/no/don’t know

Asked 1 to 2 of 6 topics: cancer screening, skin cancer prevention, tobacco, physical activity, nutrition, school health

Community guide

Nutrition systematic reviews

Your views on EBPPs


Likert 7-point

I can effectively communicate information on evidence-based interventions to elected officials.

Jacobs 2010

Reis (in press)

EBDM definitions and incentives


Rank top 3

Which of the following would most encourage you to utilize EBDM?

Jacobs 2012

Reis (in press)

Importance and availability of EBDM elements


Likert 11-point (0-10)

Importance (10 items

Jacobs 2012

Availability (10 items)

Reis (in press)

Use of EBDM


Likert 7-point

I use EBDM in my work


Workplace context


Likert 7-point

Supervisory support and expectations (3 items)

Brownson 2012

Reis (in press)

Work unit resources (5 items)

Stamatakis 2012

Work unit knowledge exchange (2 items)

Work unit evaluation (3 items)

Agency leadership (2 items)

Use of informational evidence resources


Yes/no, how often

• Use of community guide

Jacobs 2012

• What methods allow you to learn about the current findings in public health research? (Rank top 3)

Reis (in press)

Rank top 3

Check all that apply

Coordination of chronic disease programs


Rank top 3

Perceived benefits



Perceived challenges