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Table 8 Implementation activities

From: A pragmatic cluster randomised trial evaluating three implementation interventions


How operationalised

Using existing structures or initiatives

For example, adding a discussion of fasting times to pre-list theatre meetings introduced as part of The Health Foundation Safer Patient Initiative or adding some information giving process (verbal or written) to pre-assessment clinic appointments.

Dissemination of information

Dissemination of the guideline to staff either on the intranet, via email or paper copies or the placement of the algorithm poster on staff information boards.

Sharing examples of good practice

Highlighting certain wards, departments and anaesthetists as role models.

Collection of local data

Some trusts collected data on fasting and/or patients’ views of fasting (separate from their involvement in the study).

Informal and formal education

Using real time practice opportunities such as anaesthetic rounds to educate staff, and more formally through education sessions and web tool use.

Identifying local leaders to work with/delegate to

Identifying and working through others within trusts to lead on practice change such as anaesthetic nurses, theatre co-ordinators, and surgical care practitioners.