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Table 2 Factors associated with dissemination of innovations and how these factors likely influence use of EBTsa

From: Use of the evidence base in substance abuse treatment programs for American Indians and Alaska natives: pursuing quality in the crucible of practice and policy


Likely Direction of Influenceb

Characteristics of the innovation. Innovation more likely to be adopted if it:


• Is compatible with adopters' values, norms, needs.


• Is simple to implement.


• Can be adapted, refined, modified for adopters' needs.


• Is accompanied by easily available or provided knowledge required for its use.


Sources of communication and influence. Uptake of innovation influenced by:


• Structure and quality of social and communication networks.


• Similarity of sources of information to targeted adopters; e.g., in terms of socioeconomic, educational, professional, and cultural backgrounds.


External influences. Uptake of innovation influenced by:


• Policy mandates.

↑↓ (attitudes), ↑↑↑ (use)

Linkages among the components. Innovation more likely to be adopted if there are:


• Formal linkages between developers and users early in development.


• Effective relationships between any designated "change agents" and targeted adopters.


Characteristics of individual adopters


• General and context-specific psychological traits.


• Finding the intervention personally relevant.


Structural and cultural characteristics of potential organizational adopters. Innovation more likely to be adopted if organization:


• Has effective data systems.


• Is "ready" for change because of ...available time and resources for change, and capacity to evaluate innovation's implementation.


The uptake process. Innovation more likely to be adopted with:


• Funding.

↓↓↓ (Tribal/IHS), ↑↑↑ (EBT-specific)

• Adaptation and reinvention.


Programmatic Priorities. Innovation more likely to be adopted if it:c


• Is consistent with the programmatic priorities of the adopter.c


  1. Notes. alist adapted from that developed by Greenhalgh et al., 2004 [86].
  2. blikely direction of influence refers to our perceptions of how these particular factors are affecting the dissemination process in substance abuse treatment programs serving AI/AN communities as follows: ↑↑↑ - strongly supportive of the dissemination process; ↑↓ - mixed/neutral; ↓ - somewhat negative; ↓↓ - negative; ↓↓↓ - strongly negative.
  3. can additional factor identified by our Advisory Board but not included in Greenhalgh et al.'s summary.