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Table 2 Inclusion and representation criteria

From: Target for improvement: a cluster randomised trial of public involvement in quality-indicator prioritisation (intervention development and study protocol)

Category of participant

Inclusion/exclusion criteria

Representation criteria

Public representatives

Steps 1, 2, 3 meetings

(Target: 90 participants)

1) Adult with or without a chronic condition

2) Be competent to share opinions with others

3) Not be currently or previously working as a clinician or healthcare manager

Age, gender, employment, and health status (healthy adults without chronic disease, patients with uncomplicated chronic disease, patients with complex chronic conditions)

Clinicians and managers

Step 2 meeting

(Target: 72 participants)

1) Work as a clinician or manager in relation with the prevention or management of chronic diseases

2) Work within the catchment area of a participating health authority

3) Be competent to share opinions with others

Include a minimum of two primary care physicians, one manager familiar with the chronic disease program and existing information systems, and a balanced mix of clinicians and managers involved in chronic disease prevention and management

Clinicians and managers

Step 3

decision makers' meeting

(Target: 60 participants)

1) Be identified by the local health authority's CEO to advise him/her on the choice of quality indicator

2) Be a member of the board or professional council of the local health authority or family medicine group

Include the CEO or his/her representative, as well as one physician; the identification of other key decision makers is left to the CEO's discretion

  1. CEO = chief executive officer.