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Table 2 outcome measures for objective 2

From: A hospital-site controlled intervention using audit and feedback to implement guidelines concerning inappropriate treatment of catheter-associated asymptomatic bacteriuria


Measurement strategy

Measure of meaningful change

Guidelines awareness

Survey questions KA1-KA2a

Raw number and proportion of respondents changing from NO to YES

Guidelines familiarity

Survey question KF1 a

Average increase from "do not recall" or "minimal recall" to "working familiarity" or "complete recall"

Guidelines familiarity

Survey questions KF2-KF8

Raw number and proportion of respondents changing from SD or D to SA or A

Guidelines familiarity

Survey question KF9

Raw number and proportion of respondents changing from incorrect to correct answers

Guidelines acceptance

Survey questions AA1-AA2 a

Raw number and proportion of respondents changing from SD or D to SA or A

Outcomes expectation

Case scenarios OE1-OE6

Raw number and proportion of respondents changing from incorrect to correct answers

Implementation performance measures

Qualitative exit interviews

≥75% positive statements


Capture of episodes of bacteriuria

≥95% capture of episodes of bacteriuria


Delivery of audit and feedback

≥80% delivery to correct provider

  1. aKA measures knowledge awareness, KF measures knowledge familiarity, AA measures awareness acceptance, and OE measures outcome expectancy.
  2. A = agree; D = disagree; SA = strongly agree; SD = strongly disagree.