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Table 2 An internet-based registry that targets all stages of the model

From: Bridging the gap between basic science and clinical practice: The role of organizations in addressing clinician barriers

Model stage



The organization can advertise the Web-link in journals and other media/venues that community clinicians routinely use.


A portal on the registry could outline the personal and professional benefits of clinical research and describe how clinical research can be incorporated into practice with an emphasis on ways that common barriers will be overcome. The registry could also summarize a set of clinical research principles adopted by the organization to emphasize that clinicians and patients will be treated with integrity. A portal with a chat room could allow interested clinicians to talk with clinicians currently involved in clinical research about their experiences confidentially.


Each research study can be characterized on the Web in terms of: objectives; expected benefits to science, patients and clinicians, including reimbursement rates; potential risks; types of tasks; and resources required. A registry can also post current and upcoming protocols so that clinicians can assess the predictability of clinical research studies over time.

First protocol

Web-links to research training, including IRB-training and patient-consenting procedures as well as specifics for a particular protocol, can be included. The registry can provide confirmation of the receipt of data/specimens and feedback about data quality and problems to confidentially assist clinicians to improve. Electronic chat sessions within the registry can provide peer support and a sense of community.


The registry can provide confirmation of the receipt of data/specimens and feedback about data quality and problems to confidentially assist clinicians to improve. Electronic chat sessions within the registry can provide peer support and a sense of community.