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Table 1 Conceptual frameworks designed for use by researchers

From: Disseminating research findings: what should researchers do? A systematic scoping review of conceptual frameworks

Author, Year, Aims

Dissemination elements

Theoretical foundations


Winkler [11]


Develop a model to aid understanding about how new medical information in general and technology assessments in particular reaches practising physician and affects their practice

The source of communication

The channels of communication

The communication message

The characteristics of the audience receiving the communication

The setting in which the communication is received

Persuasive communication

Explicitly based on McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication.

Diffusion of innovations

Also sets framework in the context specifically the innovation-decision process.

Reference to other included frameworks


Communication effectiveness determined by five attributes. Appears to be first application of McGuire's matrix to the context of medical technology assessment. Argues that formal information dissemination followed by informal interaction with influential and knowledgeable colleagues likely to have most impact.

CRD [17, 18]

1994, 2009

Presents a framework to be used by researchers seeking to promote the findings of a systematic review.

Review topic





Communication channels

Implementation of strategy

Feed back and evaluation

Persuasive communication

Revised version acknowledges McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication. Implicit in original version that is explicitly derived from Winkler.

Diffusion of innovations

2009 version also sets framework in the context of Diffusion of innovations specifically the innovation-decision process.

Reference to other included frameworks



Greenhalgh in 2009 version

Hughes in 2009 version

Lavis in 2009 version

Framework for disseminating the findings of systematic reviews. Originally postulated that dissemination effectiveness influenced by the sources of communications, media used, and audiences targeted.

Later versions acknowledge other elements of persuasive communications and expand into a three phase 'plan, develop, and implement process that assumes interaction with target audiences and consideration of setting in which messages received.

National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDDR)[19, 38]

1996, 2001

To provide a knowledge base for strengthening the ways in which research results can be accessed and used by those who need them.

source (i.e., agency, organization, or individual responsible for creating the new knowledge or product, and/or for conducting dissemination activities)

content (message that is disseminated, that is, the new knowledge or product itself, as well as any supporting information or materials)

medium (i.e., ways in which the knowledge or product is described, 'packaged,' and transmitted)

user ( or intended user, of the information or product to be disseminated)

Persuasive communication

Not explicitly stated but four (source, message, audience, channel) of McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication evident.

Diffusion of innovations

Also mentions Diffusion of Innovations; specifically the innovation-decision process.

Reference to other included frameworks


Review of literature suggests that some combination of four major dimensions of knowledge utilization that can help to strengthen dissemination efforts.

A detailed practical ten step-by-step guide for researchers later produced.

Hughes [20, 60]


Review the process of dissemination by those who carry it out, those who disseminate it and those who, potentially, make use of it. Examine current approaches to dissemination, considered their effectiveness, highlight obstacles to successful integration of research into practice, and suggest a range of strategies to assist successful dissemination and implementation of research findings.

Provide accessible summaries of research

Keep the research report brief and concise

Publish in journals or publications which are user friendly

Use language and styles of presentation which engage interest

Target the material to the needs of the audience

Extract the policy and practice implications of research

Tailor dissemination events to the target audience and evaluate them

Use the media

Use a combination of dissemination methods

Be proactive

Understand external factors

Persuasive communication

Not explicitly stated but four (setting, message, audience, channel) of McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication evident.

Reference to other included frameworks


Commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, a framework based on non-systematic literature review and survey of key informants and organisations (including CRD).

Authors suggest that active dissemination of research is often under resourced by research commissioners and researchers and that insufficient time and money are set aside when the original funding is considered

Five factors identified as contributing to effective dissemination: relevance, quality, accessibility, ownership and timing. List for researchers of factors that can help them disseminate research successfully.

Report also outlines suggestions for commissioners, policy makers and practitioners for improving the effectiveness of research dissemination.

Harmsworth [21]


To help educational development projects engaged in the dissemination of new products, materials and good practice in learning and teaching to create an effective dissemination strategy

What is dissemination?

What do we want to disseminate?

Who are our stakeholders and what are we offering them?

When do we disseminate?

What are the most effective ways of disseminating?

Who might help us disseminate?

How do we prepare our strategy?

How do we turn our strategy into an action plan?

How do we cost our dissemination activities?

How do we know we have been successful?

Persuasive communication

Not explicitly stated but three (message, audience, channel) of the McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication evident

Reference to other included frameworks


Practical question based guide for educational development projects.

States that it is based on experiences from over 100 educational development projects, in particular, the Fund for the Development of Teaching and Learning (FDTL) and the Teaching, Learning Technology Programme (TLTP) and Innovations Fund.

Herie [22]


Presents an integrated dissemination model for social work and case study example to illustrate the practical application of the model

Assess market opportunities

and identify target system

Engage target system

Field test the intervention

Disseminate the intervention broadly

Gather system feedback and provide ongoing consultation.

Diffusion of innovations

Social marketing

Reference to other included frameworks


Describes an integrated dissemination model for social work and provides an example to illustrate its practical application (OutPatient Treatment In ONtario Services -OPTIONS project)

Argues that diffusion of innovations and social marketing address the important question of how to put the products of research where they will do the most good: into the hands of practicing clinicians.

Scullion [23]


Examine examples of effective dissemination strategies, provide insights and suggest pointers for researchers, research students and others who may be involved in dissemination.

Source of the message

Message characteristics

Medium selected to present the message

Target users

Persuasive communication

Not explicitly stated but four (message, source, audience, channel) of McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication

Reference to other included frameworks




Practical guide aimed at nursing researchers. Refers to early descriptions of the CRD approach [39].

Author argues that current commitment evidence-based practice will have limited impact on practice and patient care until a similar commitment to dissemination is evident at both corporate and individual levels.

Jacobson [14]


To develop a framework that researchers and other knowledge disseminators who are embarking on knowledge translation can use to increase their familiarity with the intended user groups.

Five domains:

The user group

The issue

The research

The researcher-user relationship

Dissemination strategies

None stated

Reference to other included frameworks


Novel framework derived from a review of the research utilisation literature and from the authors' own experience.

Emphasises the importance of understanding user context. Each 'domain' provides researchers with a set of questions that can be used to aid the prioritisation of audiences and to develop and tailor relevant messages across user groups.

Lavis [15]


Provide an organizing framework for a knowledge transfer strategy and an overview of our understanding of the current knowledge for each of the five elements of the framework

What should be transferred to decision makers?

To whom should it be transferred?

By whom should research knowledge be transferred?

How should research knowledge be transferred?

With what effect should research knowledge be transferred?

Persuasive communication

Not explicitly stated but four (message, audience, source, channel) of McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication

Reference to other included frameworks


Organising framework and overview of literature relating to knowledge transfer strategies. Question format implicitly mirrors Lasswell's famous description of the act of communications as 'Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect' [37].

Farkas [24]


Describe a conceptual framework for the dissemination and utilisation of information, long with examples of its use

Exposure strategies are those dissemination methods that focus on the goal of increased knowledge

Experience strategies focus on the goal of increased positive attitudes towards the new knowledge

Expertise strategies focus on the goal of increased competence

Embedding strategies target consumers tend to be personally focused

Diffusion of innovations

Diffusion of innovations in that research has concluded knowledge is not a 'thing to be sent and received. Rather disseminating new findings or information involves communicating through 'certain channels over time among members of a social system'

Reference to other included frameworks


Authors suggest most dissemination practices are not organized or planned to achieve comprehensive impact. Role of framework is to help researchers understand dissemination and utilization as a series of active learning strategies and to direct these at particular knowledge goals and the needs of particular users.

Paper also presents examples of '4E' use.

Economic and Social Research Council [26]


Provide advice on planning and prioritising activities and includes a template you can use to structure your own strategy. Aimed at research directors but is applicable to any communications exercise and should be useful to a wider group of researchers.

Checking perceptions

Setting objectives

Agreeing principles

Developing messages and branding

Prioritising audiences

Choosing channels

Planning activities

Estimating time

Estimating budget

Evaluating success

Persuasive communication

Not explicitly stated but four (message, audience, source as branding, channel) of McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication

Reference to other included frameworks


A detailed practical step-by-step guide on planning and prioritising research communication.

Involves all key elements of McGuire's persuasive communication matrix but also addresses more practical issues such as timing and availability of resources.

Available at:

Canadian Health Services Research Foundation [25]


List of Key elements that should be included in a dissemination plan. Provide a good overview of some of the most critical things that should be considered

Project overview

Dissemination goals

Target audiences

Key messages (contextualised)


Dissemination activities, tools, timing and responsibilities



Persuasive communication

Not explicitly stated but all (message, audience, setting, source, channel) of McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication

Reference to other included frameworks


Brief overview of key elements that should be considered as part of a collaborative research planning process. Involves all key elements of McGuire's persuasive communication matrix but also addresses more practical issues such as timing and availability of resources.

Available at:

European Commission [27]


Aims to assist project coordinators and team leaders to generate an effective flow of information and publicity about the objectives and results of their work, the contributions made to European knowledge and scientific excellence, the value of collaboration on a Europe-wide scale, and the benefits to EU citizens in general.

Defining key messages

Establishing target audiences

Selecting the appropriate modes of communication

Tailoring information to the intended outlets

Building good relationships with the media

Evaluating results

Maximising the exposure of messages

Tapping useful Commission and other external resources

Persuasive communication

Not explicitly stated but three (message, audience, channel) of McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication

Reference to other included frameworks


Practical guide aimed at researchers in EU Sixth (now seventh) Framework Programme projects. Provides an outline of good practices to assist researchers to generate an effective flow of information and publicity about the objectives and results of their work.

Focuses primarily on research communication via mass media channels

Carpenter [28]


Designed to assist the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety grantees with disseminating their research results

What is going to be disseminated?

Who will apply it in practice?

Through whom can you reach end users?

How you convey the research outcomes?

How you determine what worked?

Where do you start?

Persuasive communication

Not explicit but four (message, audience, source, channel) of McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication derived from Lavis

Diffusion of innovations

Reference to other included frameworks



Practical guide including six major elements aimed at AHRQ patient safety researchers. Basic premise is to provide a structure to what can be a nebulous concept yet which researchers are increasingly expected to respond. Emphasises importance of engaging end users in planning process.

Bauman [29]


Provide a six step framework for understanding international approaches to physical activity diffusion and dissemination.

Describe the innovation, its rationale and evidence base, and its relevance in an international context;

Describe the target audience for dissemination and the sequence, timing, and formatting of dissemination strategies;

Define the international communication channels for the innovation;

Determine the role of key policymakers and sustainable partnerships that are needed to implement the innovation at different levels (local, state, national, international);

Identify the barriers and facilitators of the innovation in the international context; and

Conduct research and evaluation to understand the dissemination process.

Diffusion of innovations

Application of Diffusion of Innovations in a public health context

Persuasive communication

Not explicitly stated but three (audience, channel, setting) of McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication

Reference to other included frameworks


Authors emphasise that dissemination one part of diffusion process. Much of framework based on expert opinion and experiences.

Four case studies presented to illustrate aspects of framework. Authors suggest that these share some common elements, including strong advocacy, good communications between key individuals and institutions, and the presence of shared values and population-level approaches.

Zarinpoush [31]


To provide a framework that is intended to help non-profit organizations plan, conduct, and evaluate efforts to transfer and exchange knowledge with others

Define the target audience

Preparing the message (Clear, Concise, Consistent, Compelling, Continuous)

Selection of transfer method (s)

Messenger credibility

Evaluation of expected effects

Persuasive communication

Not explicitly stated but

four (message, source, audience, channel) of McGuire's five attributes of persuasive communication

Reference to other included frameworks


Five key elements to consider when planning knowledge transfer and exchange activity. States elements derived from recent literature, including Lavis.

Formoso [30]


To analyse the barriers to knowledge transfer that are often inherent in the format of the information communicated. Proposes a more user-friendly, enriched format to facilitate the translation of evidence-based information into practice.

Five dimensions for enhancing information delivery:


Validity/critical appraisal

Comprehensibility of data on clinical benefits and harms

Applicability and relevance

Straightforwardness and appeal

Social marketing

Reference to other included frameworks


Describes five dimensions for enhancing information delivery and argues that little attention is focussed on the way clinical information is constructed and communicated and how it can be made more relevant, acceptable and eventually 'got through' to practitioners.

Social marketing techniques may help the promotion of evidence-based knowledge. This would entail systematically analysing and addressing barriers to clarity and acceptability of information, and offering a comprehensive and critical look at its validity, biases and relevance. However, paper does not fully describe or apply the key features of a social marketing approach.

Majdzadeh [32]


Provide a conceptual framework to identify barriers and facilitators and design strategies to knowledge translation strategies to be used by organisations doing research

Five domains:

Knowledge creation considers the characteristics of researchers and research

Knowledge transfer

considers resources and strategies

Research utilization considers the characteristics of decision makers and context of decision making;

Question transfer considers research priorities and funders

Context of organization considers the leadership system, policies, values, and culture of the organisation doing research

None stated

Reference to other included frameworks



Practical Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) framework developed from review of literature

Authors' suggest universities depend primarily on the passive dissemination of knowledge.

They suggest the following strategies can make knowledge translation more effective in universities: defining and setting up of a system to assess the knowledge translation cycle; implementation and use of information technology; identification and encouragement of face-to-face interactions between researchers and decision makers; exchanging knowledgeable individuals among centres; creating mutual trust, a common language and culture for the creation of organizational knowledge; using important motivational tools in the university; using multidimensional methods for knowledge transfer

Friese [33]


To identify what the cultural divides are between researchers and policymakers and how social scientists have bridged these differences by careful attention to several pragmatic practices for increasing research use in policymaking

Conceptualize policy work, not as disseminating information, but as developing relationships

Take the initiative to contact policymakers

or policy intermediaries

Learn about the target policymaking audience

Communicate research findings in ways that meet policymakers' information needs

Use clear, careful language when dealing with myths about vulnerable populations

Familiarize yourself with the policymaking process

Provide a timely response to the questions driving the policy debate

Learn how to approach policy work as an educator rather than an advocate

Show respect for policymakers' knowledge and experience

Be patient and self-rewarding in defining success.

Two-communities theory

Reference to other included frameworks


Based around notion that the underutilisation of research is down to a communication gap between researchers and policymakers, who have differing goals, information needs, values, and language that are best thought of as a cultural divide.

Ten recommendations derived from qualitative interviews on the barriers and facilitators to research communication with social scientists working in family policy.

Yuan [34]


Present a conceptual framework and

propose a eight point strategy for improving the dissemination of best practices by national quality improvement campaigns

Provide simple, evidence- based recommendations

Align messages with strategic goals of adopting organization

Use a nodal organizational structure

Engage a coalition of credible campaign sponsor

Establish threshold of participating organizations

Provide practical implementation tools

Create networks to foster learning opportunities

Monitor progress and evaluate impact

Diffusion of innovations

Builds on Diffusion of Innovations but with a focus on active dissemination; planned efforts to persuade targeted groups to adopt an innovation

Reference to other included frameworks


Authors recognise that dissemination impact depends on contextual factors, including the nature of the innovation itself, external environmental incentives, and features of the adopting organizations. They argue that although important contextual considerations are outside the control of disseminators, greater use of their strategy is likely to promote more potent campaign efforts, more effective dissemination, and ultimately greater take-up of evidence-based practices.