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Table 1 Scenario details and examples of questionnaire items by construct

From: Using the theory of planned behaviour as a process evaluation tool in randomised trials of knowledge translation strategies: A case study from UK primary care


FSH: Next week a woman aged 47 presents with hot flushes and night sweats having missed three of her last six periods (menopausal symptoms).

Helicobacter pylori serology: Next week a patient comes to see you with symptoms of dyspepsia. You saw this patient three months ago, and prescribed antibiotics to eradicate helicobacter pylori which had been detected using a breath test

Ferritin: Next week a patient returns to see you who presented complaining of tiredness. The result of his Full Blood Count (FBC) test shows a microcytic anaemia pattern (low MCV, low haemaglobin, low red cell count).

TPB Constructs

Example questions

Behavioural intention (three questions)

I intend to request an FSH test to assess menopausal status in this woman - Strongly Agree/Strongly disagree

Attitudes (four questions)

I think that requesting a Helicobacter Pylori serology (HPS) test to assess efficacy of antibiotic therapy for eradication of helicobactor pylori in this patient is generally - Helpful/Unhelpful

Subjective norms (four questions)

Most general practitioners would request a Ferritin test to assess iron deficiency in this patient - Strongly Agree/Strongly disagree

Perceived behavioural control (five questions)

There are factors outside my control that would prevent me from requesting an FSH test for this patient - Strongly Agree/Strongly disagree.