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Table 1 The logic model of Continuum of care for frail elderly persons, from the emergency ward to living at home intervention

From: Systematic evaluation of implementation fidelity of complex interventions in health and social care

Core inputs

Immediate Impacts

Short-Term Impacts


Health Outcomes

Geriatric assessment at emergency department,

Contact between emergency department and community case manager,

Community care will have increased information regarding the needs of the older person, increased contact between emergency healthcare and community social care,

Possibilities for earlier discovery of problems, earlier care and rehabilitation efforts and changes in care and rehabilitation plans, better uptake of older people's viewpoints

Maintained functional ability, increased life satisfaction, reduced number of visits to the emergency department,

Case manager and multi-professional team at the community care,

Case manager has early contact with older person at hospital, continuous contact between case manager and older people, early contact with older peoples' families


Reduced number of stays in hospital wards, higher satisfaction with community care and rehabilitation

Care planning after hospital discharge at older person's home


Older people will have more knowledge of whom to contact when they need help, increased participation opportunities for older people and their families in care planning