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Table 1 The Clinicians' Assessments of Practice Guidelines in Oncology (CAPGO) survey

From: Clinicians' evaluations of, endorsements of, and intentions to use practice guidelines change over time: a retrospective analysis from an organized guideline program


Domain or Outcome

1. Are you responsible for the care of patients for whom this draft report is relevant? This may include the referral, diagnosis, treatment, or follow-up of patients. ('Yes', 'No' or 'Unsure'. If 'Yes', please answer the questions below.


2. The rationale for developing a guideline, as stated in the 'Introduction' section of this draft report, is clear.


3. There is a need for a guideline on this topic.


4. The literature search is relevant and complete (e.g., no key trials were missed nor any included that should not have been).


5. I agree with the methodology used to summarize the evidence.


6. The results of the trials described in this draft report are interpreted according to my understanding of the data.


7. The draft recommendations in this report are clear.


8. I agree with the draft recommendations as stated.


9. The draft recommendations are suitable for the patients for whom they are intended.


10. The draft recommendations are too rigid to apply to individual patients.


11. When applied, the draft recommendations will produce more benefits for patients than harms.


12. The draft report presents options that will be acceptable to patients.


13. To apply the draft recommendations will require reorganization of services/care in my practice setting.


14. To apply the draft recommendations will be technically challenging.


15. The draft recommendations are too expensive to apply.


16. The draft recommendations are likely to be supported by a majority of my colleagues.


17. If I follow the draft recommendations, the expected effects on patient outcomes will be obvious.


18. The draft recommendations reflect a more effective approach for improving patient outcomes than is current usual practice. (if they are the same as current practice, please tick NA).

Comparative value

19. When applied, the draft recommendations will result in better use of resources than current usual practice (if they are the same as current practice, please tick NA).

Comparative value

20. I would feel comfortable if my patients received the care recommended in the draft report.*


21. This draft report should be approved as a practice guideline.


22. If this draft report were to be approved as a practice guideline, how likely would you be to make use of it in your own practice?

Intentions to use in practice

23. If this draft report were to be approved as a practice guideline, how likely would you be to apply the recommendations to your patients?

Intentions to use with patients

  1. *Items 1, 20, and 23 were not considered in this study.