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Table 1 Sample questionnaire items for the constructs relating to measuring blood pressure.

From: Explaining the effects of an intervention designed to promote evidence-based diabetes care: a theory-based process evaluation of a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial


Sample item

Attitude (direct)

Overall I think measuring these patients' blood pressure is beneficial to them

Attitude (indirect)

(If I measure a patient's blood pressure, I will detect any problems at an early stage) × (Detecting any problems at an early stage is very important)

Subjective norm (direct)

People who are important to me think that I should measure the blood pressure of my patients with diabetes

Subjective norm (indirect)

(Patients would approve of me measuring their blood pressure) × (Patients' approval of my practice is of importance to me)

Perceived behavioural control (direct)

Measuring patients' blood pressure is easy

Perceived behavioural control (indirect)

(If the patient has high blood pressure they think they have another illness as well as diabetes) × (If the patients did not see raised blood pressure as a separate illness to diabetes I would be more likely to measure their blood pressure)


I intend to measure the blood pressure of most of the patients' with diabetes that I see during the next month