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Table 1 Illustrative examples of theories, variables, measures and items

From: A trial platform to develop a tailored theory-based intervention to improve professional practice in the disclosure of a diagnosis of dementia: Study protocol [ISRCTN15871014]


Predictor variable(s)


Illustrative items

Theory of Planned Behaviour

Attitude towards disclosure; subjective norms perceived behavioural control; intention

Items developed from qualitative work [18] using standard question formats

Attitudes – outcome beliefs: Being given a diagnosis of dementia will be beneficial to the patient.

Social-Cognitive Theory

Self-efficacy about disclosure; goals relevant to disclosure

Items developed from qualitative work [18] using standard question formats

Self-efficacy: I am confident in my ability to disclose a diagnosis of dementia sensitively.

Implementation Intentions

Action plans for disclosure

Open questions with simple coding for presence of action plans

Have you thought about increasing disclosure of dementia diagnosis? How will you go about this?