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Table 1 QUERI description & key definitions

From: Role of "external facilitation" in implementation of research findings: a qualitative evaluation of facilitation experiences in the Veterans Health Administration

QUERI is an improvement initiative wherein participating researchers are expected to simultaneously study the implementation process and work toward rapid and significant improvements in the health of veterans, in terms of specific diseases and related problem areas. It was initiated in 1998 and is described as a comprehensive, data driven, outcomes-based and output-oriented quality improvement effort that focuses on the rigorous application of best clinical practices into routine care/systems [15]

The term QUERI is used to refer to this overall VHA initiative and its national leadership, as well as to specific QUERI teams that are organized around a disease or other issue-related entity (e.g., the Mental Health QUERI and the Spinal Cord Injury QUERI).

External facilitation refers to facilitation that comes from a change agency outside of the implementation site; in this case, from a QUERI study team.

Implementation intervention or implementation tool is defined as a single method or technique to facilitate change and, thereby, adoption of best practice recommendations, e.g., an opinion leader, electronic clinical reminder, or interactive education program. These also are referred to as "uptake," "adoption," or "change" interventions.

Implementation strategy or program is defined as an integrated set (bundle, package) of implementation interventions. QUERI implementation studies typically evaluate implementation strategies or programs rather than individual interventions, in that such an intervention is frequently insufficient to achieve implementation in complex clinical settings.

Internal facilitation refers to facilitation that would, if present, come from within an implementation study site.