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Table 2 Revision of professional roles

From: Organizational interventions to implement improvements in patient care: a structured review of reviews

Author, number of studies

Quality score


Main results

Beney 2000

N = 16


Enlargement of the role of the public pharmacist

Changed use of healthcare services (PSI 6/6 = 100%). Improved patient outcomes (PSI 10/13 = 77%). No change in: quality of life.

Bower 2000

N = 38


Mental health workers in primary care: replacement of/consultation to primary care providers

*Replacement: lowered consultation rates (PSI 2/8 = 25%), short term reduction on psychotropic prescribing (PSI 4/11= 36%), long term changes psychotropic prescribing (PSI 3/6 = 50%), reduced mental health referrals (PSI 3/6 = 50%). *Consultation: more appropriate short term prescribing (PSI 3/6 = 50%). No change in: consultation rates, referral patterns.

Brown 1995

N = 13


Nurse practitioners in primary care

Improved laboratory testing (AES 0.20), resolution of pathological conditions (AES 0.28), patient satisfaction (AES 0.30). No change in: quality of care, prescribing, functional status, consultation rates, use of emergency service.

Dijkstra 2004

N = 13


Revision of professional roles for guideline implementation in hospitals

Improved professional performance (AOR 9.78, S).

Horrocks 2002

N = 11


Nurse practitioners in primary care

Improved patient satisfaction (SMD 0.27), longer consultations (WMD 3.67 minutes), more investigations (OR 1.22). No change in: health status.

Loveman 2003

N = 6


Specialist nurses in diabetes mellitus

No change in: HbA1c, emergency admissions, quality of life.

Stone 2002

N = 20


Organizational change (mainly involvement of non-physician staff and clinics devoted to prevention) to improve adult immunization and cancer screening

Improved preventive activities

(AOR range 2.74 – 17.6).

Smith 2001

N = 4


Outreach nursing for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Increased hospital service utilization

(PSI 2/2 = 100%).

No change in: mortality, lung function, health related quality of life.

Thompson 2003

N = 7


Dietary advice by dietitians compared to self-management materials.

No change in: patient outcomes.